Who is Dr. Goncalo Amaral?

As you have seen from the lists I've tried to compile of articles written by British "journalists" Dr. Amaral has been slandered and basically crucified by the media in the United Kingdom.  It has been virtually impossible to find balanced articles, written in English, with any kind of objective reporting or biographical background on this man.

My goal is now to find out who he really is, what his life was like before Madeleine McCann went missing in the Algarve, and I intend to try to add posts to this blog as I manage to get a grasp of his history and how he is seen by those who actually know him.

Having followed the McCann case from the very beginning, I had been aware that Goncalo Amaral was not being treated fairly by reporters.  I've always had a vague sense that "something needs to be done about this" but as a person with no access to a press room and no "friends" in the media, I have been incapable of getting a personal answer as to WHY reporters are doing this, much less a chance to demand some unbiased information be written about Dr. Amaral.

It has always been my belief that when the truth of what happened to Madeleine McCann is finally told, Dr. Amaral will be vindicated.  It seems to me, watching him on videos and reading his statements, that he has remained dignified and calm in the face of brutal verbal attacks by the British media, the McCanns, the McCann spokesman, their family and friends. His demeanor, if nothing else, convinces me that he has a clear conscience about his choices and his actions.

I have been doing my best to scan the over 1600 news articles with references to Dr. Amaral.  On previous posts, I've tried to list a few of the common descriptions of him found in those reports.  Even when an article's main topic is a different aspect of the McCann case...even in brief or passing references to him, I have found in almost every article an adjective used to demean him, to call into question his motives, his professionalism and/or his character.

The truly gutter press has gone over the top in this regard; describing him as boozy, unkept, bumbling, a torturer etc.  The so called "mainstream" press has also been brutal; perhaps a bit less inclined to use the blatantly xenophobic and defamatory terms and limited themselves to terms such as "disgraced" or "inept" or dropping in a reference to the alleged two/three hour lunches - that type of thing.

Even the mainstream press seems incapable of writing objectively about the case and instead uses disparaging adjectives to describe Dr. Amaral and sympathetic adjectives to describe Kate and Gerry McCann.  As someone who simply wants to make up my own mind and be presented with the facts, the coverage of this case has frustrated me and at times downright made me mad.  It seems to me that the press has attempted to LEAD their readers rather than inform their readers.  That, in my opinion, is not journalism - it is propaganda.

Last week, the BBC broadcast a report from BBC East Midlands Today reporter Mike O'Sullivan who was reporting outside a Lisbon courthouse.  The McCanns were in Lisbon attending  a preliminary hearing regarding Amaral's book, "The Truth of the Lie".   

As Dr. Amaral was walking toward the courthouse, O'Sullivan asked him a question about whether or not he felt his actions were hurting the McCanns.  Dr. Amaral answered in Portuguese “Fale com os McCann"  This means "Speak to the McCanns". (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA5R7c1c42A&feature=channel )

The BBC blipped out Amaral's words and claimed that Amaral had responded "Fuck the McCanns" to the question posed by O'Sullivan.  There was then broadcast an exchange between O'Sullivan and the main program anchor and they displayed disgust over Amaral's alleged use of vile profanity toward the McCanns.

To date, BBC has not issued a retraction nor have they apologized for the mistake - they have not (to my knowledge) even acknowledged that it WAS a mistake.  Instead, they have let their viewers believe that a man who speaks NO English, who was on his way into court regarding something as fundamentally vital to society as freedom of speech, would curse in a language he does not speak about a couple he has never insulted to date.

There is a huge difference between how Amaral has treated the couple and how he has been treated by them or their supporters. He has never insulted them personally, he has been very careful to only describe the facts known to him and his conclusions, based on the investigation itself and his 27 years of experience in law enforcement.  It would be entirely out of character for Dr. Amaral to use this vile profanity and entirely incongruous for him to speak in English. 

So, I have a goal.  Find out what I can about Dr. Goncalo Amaral and add it to this blog.

One thing I have noticed about fairy tales is that a good writer leaves much to the imagination of their reader when they are creating a monster.  The less said, the better, as long as it is established that a monster exists.  To flesh out the monster is to make him less frightening or less grotesque.  This is also a tactic used by propagandists. It should not be allowed anywhere but in fairy tales.

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Sandra Felgueiras dia 14 RTP

Sandra Felgueiras dia 14 RTP
19 January 2010

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Adjetivos usados pela imprensa britânica para descrever a Gonçalo Amaral

Inglês para Português tradução do Google. Lamento - este é o melhor que posso fazer!
Adjetivos usados pela imprensa britânica para descrever a Gonçalo Amaral e / ou a polícia Português
(Fonte: Banco de dados Factiva):

Nota: Até à data, não consigo encontrar um único artigo, com uma bio objetivo de Gonçalo Amaral. Nem um. Por favor, envie-me um link, se você encontrar alguma coisa (news.winnow at gmail dot com). (Obrigado!)

53 artigos: "embriagado" ou "bêbado"

418 artigos: "desgraça, vergonha, vergonha"

440 artigos: "ultraje, etc" ultrajante

37 artigos: "estragando"

23 artigos: "Keystone Cops" (ou Kops) (ou cretinos Keystone)  ("Keystone Kops" referência é insultuoso para personagens de um filme antigo. Eles eram agentes da polícia estúpidos que sempre foram enganados pelos criminosos. É uma maneira de dizer que a polícia Português foram incompetentes.)

26 artigos: "almoço de duas horas" (mais do que isso, mas realmente não estou lendo o texto integral - muitos o acusam de "embriagado três horas de almoço", etc, mas eu vou ter de passar por eles para obter uma contagem precisa)

42 artigos: "Gonçalo Amaral" e "almoço" (inclui todos os almoços embriagado "," duas horas de almoço ", etc)

45 artigos: "inepto"

220 artigos: "despedido" ou "fogo" (Nota: o fato é que Amaral foi transferido para fora do caso Maddie e, em seguida, escolheu para sair.)

49 artigos: "prejudicado" dificultar "prejudicado" perturbar "(a investigação);

43 artigos: "explosão" (a respeito de sua nova declaração: McCann ea polícia britânica)

43 artigos: "vergonhosa" vergonha "envergonhado"

14 artigos: "mal"

146 artigos: "tortura", "torturado" atacado "(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Outros termos utilizados para descrever este policial honrado e / ou seus colegas. (Esta lista também contém referências para os cidadãos Português.)

* Oafish suado (Um idiota pode ser traduzido como um idiota, um tolo desajeitado.)

* Inspetor Clueless ("Clueless" pode ser traduzido como "sem a menor idéia".)

* Figura corpulenta em uma jaqueta doente-encaixe

* Gordura, cop suado

* Fora de sua profundidade

* Mentiroso

* Preguiçoso

* Chefe de polícia não

* Ego gigante

* Fabricação de um caso

* Sujeira dishing ((Côncavo significa "repartir" - para "dar fora", por isso seria algo como "dar a sujeira das pessoas.")

* Inventando coisas

* Manchas de alimentação para a imprensa

* Gasta centenas de libras por semana em Carvi restaurante de peixe

* Caça às bruxas

* Stupendously estúpido (? Stupendously might translate "Admiravelmente"? Stupendous - "Estupenda")

* Orgulho macho frágil

* Swaggering plods ((Swagger "é uma palavra usada para descrever uma forma de caminhar - quando um homem pensa que ele é importante, é dito que ele anda com um ar de superioridade. "Plods" é também uma maneira de andar - um termo insultuoso para alguém que caminha junto.)

* Caipiras lumbering ("lumbering" outro termo insultuoso para a forma como alguém anda - sem uma direção clara)

* Clueless ("clueless" significa sem uma pista)

* Corruptos

* Tendenciosa

* Algozes Português

* Informações vazadas para a mídia

* Prova vital foi cavado

* Documentos importantes foram ignorados

* Semana foram desperdiçados

* Uma confusão desde o início

* Avistamentos ignorado

* Trabalhou apenas quatro horas por dia

* Truques sujos

* Inquérito policial scarily amador

* Inquérito falho

* Polícia sitiado

* Sugestões do mal (re: os McCann)

* Alegações bizarras

* Só quero uma confissão conveniente, verdadeiras ou falsas

* Carreira em frangalhos

* Abissalmente mishandled inquérito policial Português ("mishandled" - que significa não lidar com algo corretamente)

* "Amaral foi o principal motivo de Kate e Gerry foram apontados como suspeitos, apesar de não haver uma prova de que o casal estava envolvido"

* "Life on Mars" (polícia se refere a um programa de televisão britânico, artigos extremamente insultuoso) (Vida em Marte - o planeta Marte.)

* "Foi muito ruim para os McCann que a criança foi raptada. Foi pior sorte ainda para que aconteça em um remanso policiadas por incompetentes."

* Espectacularmente estúpidos, a polícia cruel Português " ("cruel" os extremamente indelicado)

* Suínos

* Filth ("Filth" meio extremamente sujo)

* Montagem de seus pais

* É a polícia Português, que são os palhaços

* Cruel, estúpido, palhaços rancoroso ("cruel" os extremamente indelicado)

* Bando de amadores clueless

* Voltaram sua ira sobre os McCann

Cidadãos Português

* Caipiras leering ("Leering" significa que alguém está dando uma olhada sugestiva ou sarcástico ou sorriso.)

* Comedores de sardinha


Na minha opinião, este é um profissional, orquestrado esforço para destruir a reputação de um homem que não está disposto a trair a verdade.

O exemplo mais recente do tratamento ultrajante do Dr. Amaral é a transmissão da BBC errada afirmando que ele tinha dito "F *** os McCann", quando na verdade, disse Amaral (em sua Português nativo - ELE NÃO FALA INGLÊS) "Pergunte ao casal McCann" .

Estou actualmente a escavação para tentar encontrar nenhum artigo anterior BBC corretamente afirmando que Amaral não falam Inglês. Se assim for, os editores não têm absolutamente nenhuma desculpa para permitir que o relatório do ar. Por uma questão de fato, eles não têm desculpa a todos - ele tem sido amplamente relatado que Amaral não falam ou entendem Inglês.
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Portugal still pouring pain on the McCanns; They need our help

17 January 2010
The News of the World
Anna Smith

I DON'T know if we can stand much more of their public pain - and yet we must.

The agony on the faces of Kate and Gerry McCann is hard to watch as they run the gauntlet of hate in Portugal.

Against the bitter winter chill, they arrived for the court case to ban a truly evil book by a fat, useless ex-cop who was sacked for not doing his job.

So it shouldn't be any surprise that disgraced detective Gonçalo Amaral spat, " F    the McCanns ," when asked if his book was hurting the couple.

This is a man who is not just without morals or compassion. He is a greedy parasite who has fed off the the misery of a couple whose suffering never ends.

This, remember, is a man who enjoyed boozy lunches when he should have been out looking for Maddie in those terrifying days after she went missing.


And he presided over a bungling police investigation that didn't just trample over crucial forensic evidence, but failed to set up road blocks within hours of Maddie's disappearance.

This chancer turns my stomach, just about as much as the sicko individuals who have so little to do in their twisted world that they set up a pressure group to heap more distress on the McCanns.

Led by retired solicitor Tony Bennett, a man who clearly has nothing better to do, their sick websites spout bile against the McCanns, alongside lurid pictures and cartoons that nobody in their right mind would ever associate themselves with.

And yet, despite appeals to MPs, Cabinet Ministers and the Attorney General, the website is still allowed to operate.

These weirdos will be rubbing their hands with glee at the agony Maddie's parents are suffering as they sit through the libel case in Portugal, hoping to prevent publication of Amaral's diatribe.

Whatever you think of this tragic case, if ever anyone has been punished for an error of judgement, it is Kate and Gerry McCann.

Of course they will never forgive themselves for leaving Madeleine alone in the apartment that night.

But nobody deserves to have reaped the whirlwind of hate on top of unimaginable suffering in the way they have. Finding Maddie is a crusade they will take to their graves and it has brought them to Portugal, once again clutching at straws.

They probably thought they could steel themselves for the court case, as they must have read the details of the police investigation a thousand times, hoping for something that may have been missed.

But from the look on the McCanns' faces, sitting within the grim, cold walls of a courtroom as the details of cops' sniping unfolded, it has been much more painful than they anticipated.

No wonder heart specialist Gerry lost his cool under the aggressive questioning of the Portuguese Press.

Because the fact is, from day one, the Portuguese have never forgiven the McCanns.

Not for leaving their children alone in the holiday apartment while they ate dinner with friends nearby. No.

They have never forgiven them for one reason alone - because, when you think of Portugal now, you think of Madeleine McCann.

You think of a child being snatched from her bed.

You think of that day when Kate McCann walked into the police station to a barrage of cruel jibes and shouts from an ugly mob of locals.


That is the image Portugal brings to so many of our minds.

Let's be honest - the Portuguese were more interested in the effect on the tourist trade than finding Maddie.

And when they turned on the couple, sponger Amaral saw a way of making some money after being sacked as a cop. (Blogger note: Along with all the other lies and xenophobia displayed in this piece, it should be noted that Amaral quit, he was not sacked.)

If any of the allegations in his book were founded on real evidence, you would be able to see the force of it.

But this is just a slapdash effort - designed to do nothing more than cash in.

We've even had wild allegations - denied by Gerry - that Kate dreamt Maddie's body was on a hillside, which convinced police she'd killed her. (Blogger note: Police files confirm Kate contacted PJ re: this.)

If anything confirms for me that this bunch couldn't find their a   s in the dark, it is this.

We have watched the McCanns almost disintegrate in the last few years, and it has been very painful.

But we have to stick with them - because maybe, just maybe, Maddie is still alive out there somewhere.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time that a missing kid turned up years later.

So I, for one, pray that one day we can share their joy if Maddie returns.
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Quotes: McCanns re: Goncalo Amaral

Quotes from Clarence Mitchell or the McCanns, their family and their friends re: Goncalo Amaral

30 September 2007
"Kate and Gerry want to cooperate with the Portuguese police and would hope that they and their resources are being deployed as effectively as possible at all times." ~Mitchell
2 October 2007
""We are aware Mr Amaral has been removed from his post and we cannot comment. Gerry and Kate have consistently said that they are very happy to cooperate fully with the Portuguese authorities and they will continue their cooperation irrespective of who is in charge of the actual hunt for Madeleine" ~Mitchell
3 October 2007
The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should refocus the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said yesterday. Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral was taken off the case after his comment that Kate and Gerry McCann had been calling the shots by identifying lines of inquiry for Leicestershire officers. The family's spokesman Clarence Mitchell said the claims were ludicrous. "What they want now is whoever takes over to refocus the inquiry on to finding Madeleine." The decision to remove Mr Amaral was "a decision for the Portuguese authorities", he said. "Kate and Gerry have always said they were more than happy to co-operate with the Portuguese authorities, whoever that might be. Whoever takes over from Mr Amaral, they will continue that co-operation and do anything that is required - including going back to Portugal if necessary." Asked if it was true the McCanns were identifying lines of inquiry for Leicestershire Police, he replied: "Of course not - it's an absolutely ridiculous suggestion." He also called for an end to "unsubstantiated allegations" in newspapers in Portugal and Britain.
10 October, 2007
"Kate and Gerry hope Mr Rebelo will now work to eliminate them from the inquiry as suspects and will then be in a position to refocus his team into the search for Madeleine."Clearly we hope that a new head of the inquiry will work to ensure the unsubstantiated and unfounded allegations surrounding the case will now end."~Mitchell
11 October, 2007
"They are delighted as it shows the police are still looking for the kidnapper. The focus seems to have gone from building a case against them to looking for Madeleine, which is good news."~Mitchell
12 October, 2007
"These are fresh eyes, for which they are grateful. The development is welcomed by the family. If the new team are experts in homicide then hopefully Mr Rebelo can eliminate Kate and Gerry as suspects."~Mitchell
"Mr Mitchell said the couple had nothing to hide, so were not worried about the results. However, they have hired their own team of forensics experts to examine independently any evidence which the police put forward. But he added: "Whatever comes back will be leaked and exaggerated and the McCanns are fearful about that."
A source close to Kate and Gerry revealed the 39-year-old couple's fury at the police failings - but welcomed Rebelo's clear-out. The source said: "They are livid - they cannot believe how badly this has been mishandled."Not putting vital information on computer file is so amateurish. But at least the new man seems to know what he is doing."
21 October, 2007
"We'd be very concerned to hear all the information in the police's hands has not been properly or effectively co-ordinated or collated."If Mr Rebelo is strengthening their system that's all to the good."~Mitchell
30 October, 2007
"We welcome any indication that the Portuguese police are taking the abduction theory seriously because that is what happened."~Mitchell
1 November, 2007
Re: José Cunha de Magalhaes e Meneses statement that need new *evidence* to be able to bring charges.
"If these reports are true this would indicate the police absolutely, and quite rightly, have no case."~Mitchell
15 November, 2007
Re: Portuguese public prosecutor rejection of McCann's application to see dossier of evidence against them
Clarence Mitchell said their hopes had been dashed. "Kate and Gerry were hoping that the change in law may have meant that they at last saw what the police think they have against them. "But the new law has an exception clause which means that if the prosecutor thinks the case is a complex one he can refuse to let the suspects see the evidence. "He has decided that in Kate and Gerry's case the case is complex so they can't see the evidence. They have no idea what the police have as evidence against them. "All they have seen is so-called evidence that has been leaked to the Portuguese press and they don't know what, if any, of that is true. Their lawyers are going to continue the fight."
8 December, 2007
The McCanns' official spokesman Clarence Mitchell said the couple were relieved that the police were now trying again to find Maddie alive. "The thrust of the inquiry for the last six or seven months has been wrong," "If the police now believe that abduction is the strongest possibility, that is very encouraging. "Madeline did not die in the apartment. The police should be focusing on who took her – and finding her. "They must also accept Kate and Gerry should be eliminated from the inquiry."
26 April, 2008
Re: Amaral's decision to quit the PJ after 27 years on the force and his intention to write about the McCann case.
"We are not surprised at this." "It's outrageous that Mr Amaral can express such an overtly prejudiced view when he is still formally a member of the Policia Judiciaria. "This man was intimately involved in the decision to make Kate and Gerry arguidos and it is upsetting that he is now one of several police officers who seem to want to cash in on Madeleine's disappearance. Our lawyers will be reading his book in fine detail."~Mitchell
27 April, 2008
Re: McCann's plan to write a "tell-all" book
"It will be the family's story, the only official book. Kate and Gerry are both keen to put the truth of everything that has happened to them on record."It will be a detailed account of their experience, from the pain of the night Madeleine was kidnapped, to being named as official suspects in the investigation." "A number of books are being published in Portugal and the UK. Kate and Gerry want the public to know the real truth."~Mitchell
29 April 2008
Re: Portuguese police reconstruction
Clarence Mitchell said the couple and their friends had not ruled out the possibility of cooperating with a reconstruction, if they felt it was being done to try to find Madeleine. But he added: 'Until they get satisfactory answers, they will not go. The lawyers are not saying it is a trap but they are asking what the motivation is behind it.'
2 July, 2008
Re: McCann's demand that their their private investigators be allowed to examine police files
"There is great work going on behind the scenes, very diligent work in many countries. Kate and Gerry will never rest until they know what has happened to her. If she's still alive they will never rest until they see her come home. "The police information is a key component in that. If the police are not going to go any further on the criminal investigation then, for the love of God, that information could help find her or at least bring to justice whoever has taken her. The information in their files surely cannot sit on the shelf gathering dust. It has to be released."~Mitchell
5 July, 2008
Re: Portuguese police belief that Maddie died in the apartment and that the McCanns were influencing the British police
"Mr Amaral has consistently made these allegations."Kate and Gerry and their friends have nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance."~Mitchell
"It's a great shame that Mr Amaral is saying these things. He should have found Madeleine as the police officer in charge. "They are angry. But it has got to the stage of weary resignation."~Mitchell
6 July, 2008
Re: Police statements about inconsistencies in the timeline given by the Tapas9
"We wait to hear from the prosecutor. It will be most vigorously defended if it ever comes to that."~Mitchell
20 July, 2008
Re: McCann's plan to appear on the Oprah show
"Kate and Gerry will talk about the police inquiry once their arguido status has been lifted. "They want to get their side of the story across. They want the weight of guilt by association lifted from their shoulders. And they will make it clear that they will continue to search for Madeleine, come what may."~Mitchell
"Kate and Gerry are furious. They've kept their thoughts private - because the Portuguese legal system left them no choice. It's been incredibly frustrating. "They know the police have given up looking for Maddie, so they've nothing to lose. A string of mistakes were made. And police leaked things that were totally untrue. When it was reported that Maddie's DNA was found in their car, Kate and Gerry could only conclude someone was trying to frame them. "Being suspects has put an appalling strain on them. Kate hasn't been able to go out without thinking people may be pointing a finger of blame. "As soon as they're free to talk about the appalling way they have been treated, they will."~McCann "friend"
21 July, 2008
Re: Goncalo Amaral's statement: "People can say what they like. All I would say is that I'm trying to contribute to the discovery of the truth. "I worked 27 years as a police officer - and my conscience can't accept that this is the first case that slipped through my fingers."
"It's a great shame that Mr Amaral apparently feels the need to make money out of Madeleine's disappearance. "We hope that any profits he makes from this book will go to the fund to find their daughter but we are not optimistic. "Until the judicial secrecy is lifted, he is covered by those laws in the same way as everybody else associated with the case is, and as a result Kate and Gerry's libel lawyers will read that book with great interest."~Mitchell
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I'll face these slurs if it helps my little Maddy

15 January 2010
Martin Fricker

Kate's court ordeal for her daughter

KATE McCann last night broke her silence after three days of hearing sickening slurs that she faked her child's abduction.

The mum-of-three insisted the court ordeal was worth it because "getting justice here will help our search for Madeleine".

Kate and husband Gerry, both 41, have been in Portugal while former detective Goncalo Amaral tries to overturn their ban on his book about the case. He says Madeleine, six, is dead and alleges her guilty parents staged her disappearance, in Praia da Luz in May 2007.

Yesterday Kate said: "Hearing it has not been easy but this action will benefit Madeleine, which is our aim. It's been positive because it's shown again there is no evidence that Madeleine came to any harm or that we are involved."

Amaral's appeal against the injunction banning him from repeating his claims was adjourned.

Outside the Lisbon court he vowed that if he lost he would take it to a European human rights court to defend "freedom of speech".

Last night the BBC stood by a claim Amaral had told their crew " f   the McCanns ". His lawyer had claimed he was mistranslated.
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Ex-detective will take Madeleine McCann book fight to Europe

15 January 2010
Leicester Mercury

Goncalo Amaral has vowed to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights if he loses a legal battle over his book which claims Madeleine McCann is dead.

The former detective said his case was about "fundamental rights" for all Portuguese citizens and pledged to keep fighting all the way.

Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, were left facing the prospect of years of court hearings at which Mr Amaral's allegations against them will be repeated.

The couple, both 41, from Rothley, flew to Lisbon this week to hear Mr Amaral attempt to overturn their ban on his book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie.

The ex-policeman called a series of witnesses to support his claims that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction - something they strongly deny.

Mrs McCann admitted yesterday that sitting through the evidence was difficult but added that nothing could be as bad as losing Madeleine.

She also insisted that she and Mr McCann were right to take legal action against Mr Amaral and said she was confident they would win.

Yesterday, Mrs McCann said: "Our daughter's been taken and nothing's ever going to be as bad as that. It's still been difficult, it's been emotive, because I know what's in the case files, I know what the conclusions are.

"So it's difficult to hear something that's incorrect and inaccurate."

Mr Amaral was the first head of the Portuguese police investigation into Madeleine's disappearance from Praia da Luz in the Algarve on May 3, 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday. A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year banning further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case. Mr Amaral's lawyers argue that the material in his book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.

Mr Amaral emerged from the hearing yesterday and said he would take his case to Portugal's higher courts and even the European Court of Human Rights if he lost.

Police made the McCanns "arguidos", or formal suspects, in the case four months after Madeleine disappeared.

But this status was lifted when the investigation was shelved in July 2008 with prosecutors concluding they had no evidence that they committed any crimes. The case is to be adjourned until February 10.

Meanwhile, Mr Amaral's lawyer, Antonio Cabrita, has denied that the former policeman said " f    the McCanns " in response to a question from a BBC reporter about whether his book was hurting the couple.

Regional news programme East Midlands Today broadcast the exchange with the allegedly offending word bleeped out.

A BBC spokesman said: "The reply was clearly ' f    the McCanns '."
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BBC in four-letter 'foul-up'

15 January 2010
Daily Star

BUNGLING BBC bosses sparked a row after accusing Goncalo Amaral of a four-letter tirade against Kate and Gerry McCann.

They insisted the ex-detective said " f    the McCanns " when asked by a BBC reporter if he felt his allegations were hurting the couple.

But last night it was claimed he had actually uttered the Portuguese phrase "fala com McCanns" - which means simply "speak to the McCanns".

Asked if he had sworn, Mr Amaral replied: "Never. I don't know what you are talking about."

And his lawyer, Antonio Cabrita, said: "He never said it. He does not use that kind of language."

Rival TV companies refused to broadcast the footage after their translators studied it.

But it was broadcast, with the key word bleeped out by the BBC in the East Midlands.

A BBC spokesman said last night: "The entire exchange was recorded on camera.

"The swear word was bleeped out for transmission as it was clearly unacceptable to broadcast such language at 6.30pm."

Sources last night said Mr Amaral is now considering legal action against the BBC.
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Kate McCann 'confident' of winning Madeleine libel case

15 January 2010
Guardian Unlimited
John Stevens

'It's difficult to hear something incorrect and inaccurate,' she says of ex-detective's claim that McCanns faked daughter's abduction

Kate McCann said today she was confident of winning the libel action over claims that her daughter Madeleine is dead.

As she arrived at court in Lisbon she admitted that listening to claims that she faked Madeleine's abduction was difficult, but said nothing could be as bad as losing her child.

It is the third day of the trial in Portugal, where the McCanns are seeking permanently to ban a book written by former policeman Goncalo Amaral and £1.1m in compensation for defamation.

Entering the court, Mrs McCann said: "If I'm honest, our daughter's been taken and nothing's ever going to be as bad as that. It's still been difficult, it's been emotive, because I know what's in the case files, I know what the conclusions are. So it's difficult to hear something that's incorrect and inaccurate. At the bottom of all this is a little girl and I think it's important that we don't forget that."

Asked if she believed the McCanns would win their case against Amaral, she said: "I am confident, yes."

McCann and her husband, Gerry, have sat through two days of hearings in which Amaral, who initially led the investigation into their daughter's death, has called a series of senior Portuguese officials to support his allegation that Madeleine, who was three when she disappeared, died in her family's holiday flat in May 2007.

Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida told the court on Tuesday he believed the McCanns invented a kidnapping to cover up the death of their daughter. Yesterday former detective Francisco Moita Flores also dismissed the couple's claim that Madeleine was abducted, saying the McCanns' challenge to claims Madeleine was dead was "pathetic".

Mr McCann flew back to Britain last night to return to work. His wife was accompanied to court today by Fiona Payne, one of the "Tapas Seven" group of friends who were on holiday with the McCanns in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz when their daughter disappeared.

Amaral's lawyer, Antonio Cabrita, has denied that the former detective said "fuck the McCanns" in response to a question from a BBC reporter about whether his book was hurting the couple. A BBC spokesman said the reply was clear in the exchange, which was entirely recorded on camera.

Today the court is hearing evidence from producers of a TV documentary based on Amaral's book. The case will then be adjourned until 10 February, when the judge will hear from two witnesses not available this week.
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The British Media versus the Portuguese police / Dr. Goncalo Amaral

These are the first 100 Headlines of Articles archived in the Factiva database regarding Goncalo Amaral. I'll add the rest as time allows; there are over 1000 articles to review.

Headlines are sorted oldest to most recent.
  • Note the number of articles that ran about the alleged TWO HOUR LUNCH. These all sprang from allegations made by a diner at a fish restaurant in Portimao. The diner saw a bottle of wine and what *may have been* a bottle of whiskey on the table.  Since that time, the British press has continued to refer to Goncalo Amaral as the "boozy, bumbling cop."  In my opinion, it is a blatant attempt to sway public opinion.  It is a classic propaganda technique.  Note the highly emotive adjectives used when referring to the McCanns and compare them with the adjectives used to describe Amaral.

  • Note also the number of articles that ran about the Joana Cipriano murder case.  For details about the Cipriano case, see: http://joana-morais.blogspot.com/2008/10/cipriano-case-in-past.html (or search Google for the facts of the case regarding incest and the mutilation of little Joana''s body.) This is a photo of Leandro Silva with Leonor. Leandro Silva (common law husband of Leonor) is quoted in many of the articles below.  (One wonders if an investigation into his current finances might be in order.)


Govan, Fiona. "The detectives working as the world watches." The Daily Telegraph. 26 May 2007. The Portuguese police have been widely criticised for their handling of the investigation into the abduction.(This article focuses on Guilhermino Encarnação, but mentions Amaral and planted the seed re: the Cipriano case. Note the date - May 26, less than a month after Maddie "disappeared".)

Gammell, Caroline. "Madeleine police 'seen at two hour lunch'." Press Association. 7 June 2007. Portuguese police working on the Madeleine McCann case have defended their reputation after they were seen enjoying a two hour lunch.

Brown, David. "Officers defend two-hour lunches." The Times. 8 June 2007. Senior officers involved in the search for Madeleine McCann have been seen regularly going out for two-hour lunches.
Harris, Ed. "Maddy police defend long lunch break." The Evening Standard. 8 June 2007. Portuguese police working on the Madeleine McCann case defended their reputation today after they were seen enjoying a two-hour lunch.
The diner said they had what looked like a bottle of white wine and whisky on the table.
Hagan, Lucy. "Cops' booze shame." The Sun. 8 June 2007. The cop leading the Maddie hunt was blasted yesterday after he and two colleagues spent two hours boozing - at lunchtime.
"When I left, one was still slumped in his chair.".
"Police go on bender." Daily Star. 8 June 2007. Portuguese detectives hunting Madeleine cracked jokes during a boozy lunch as her parents flew across Europe to try to find her. Senior officers laughed as they knocked back wine and whisky as a news programme showed the McCanns in Berlin ...

Brown, David.and Thomas Catan. "Madeleine officers defend their regular two-hour lunches." The Times. 8 June 2007. Police 'laughed at parents on TV news' McCanns told of 'credible call' lead Senior officers involved in the search for Madeleine McCann have been seen regularly going out for two-hour lunches.

Detectives' boozy lunch." The Daily Express. 8 June 2007. Police leading the hunt for Madeleine McCann enjoyed a two-hour lunch on the same day her parents were forced to deny accusations they played a part in the little girl's disappearance, it emerged last night.

Gammell, Caroline. "Madeleine probe policeman charged over attack." Press Association. 10 June 2007. A senior Portuguese police officer working on the Madeleine McCann case has been charged over an attack on the mother of another missing girl, it was revealed today. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Greenhill, Sam. "Chief Madeleine detective charged over 'beating' of suspect in another missing girl case." Daily Mail. 11 June 2007. The detective leading the hunt for Madeleine McCann has sensationally been charged over his conduct in another missing child case. Goncalo Amaral, head of the regional Judicial Police, is one of five officers accused over the beating-up ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano) 
(Note the slant. Amaral was not accused of beating Leonor.  Many of these articles also inaccurately report this, or manipulate the wording to infer he was accused of physically touching Cipriano.)

Gammell, Caroline. "Police in Maddie case face charge." Birmingham Post. 11 June 2007. A senior Portuguese police officer working on the Madeleine McCann case has been charged over an attack on the mother of another missing girl, it was revealed yesterday. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Shaikh, Thair. "Detective in McCann case is charged with assault." The Independent. 11 June 2007. A senior detective coordinating the hunt for the abductor of the missing four-year-old Madeleine Mc-Cann has been charged with criminal offences over another missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Gammell, Caroline. "Madeleine's parents' hunt takes them to morocco." Press Association. 10 June 2007. Armed with appeal posters written in Arabic, Kate and Gerry McCann are taking their search for Madeleine to north Africa today in the last of a series of visits designed to help find ...(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Gammell, Caroline. "Britain: Time to grieve." Daily Post. 11 June 2007. Parents take Maddy hunt to Morocco, but admit with no new breakthroughs in the hunt for their missing daughter ...(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Gammell, Caroline. "Madeleine officer accused of assault." Daily Post. 11 June 2007. Police charged over alleged attack on mother who killed daughter A senior Portuguese police officer working on the Madeleine McCann case has been charged over an attack on the mother of another missing girl, it was revealed yesterday. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Edwards, Richard and Fiona Govan. "Madeleine case detective accused of beating suspect." The Daily Telegraph. 11 June 2007. A senior detective investigating the abduction of Madeleine McCann has been accused of beating a suspect in a separate missing child case, it emerged yesterday. (Re: Leonor Cipriano) (Note: This article does not even attempt to slant the story, it clearly prints a lie.)

Brown, David. "Madeleine officer charged over another missing girl." The Times. 11 June 2007. Claims of torture and falsifying papers.  (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Leach, Ben. "Detective in madeleine case on criminal offence charge." The Evening Standard, 11 June 2007. The detective co-ordinating the hunt for Madeleine McCann has been charged with criminal offences over another missing child case.  (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Hagan, Lucy. "New posters appeal." The Sun. 11 June 2007. Maddie..the painful trail to Morocco Missing Maddie's parents flew to Morocco yesterday -before taking time out to grieve for the four-year-old. ("Portuguese police co-ordinator Goncalo Amaral is accused of torturing a confession from Leonor Cipriano -later convicted of murdering her daughter Joana, nine." (Note: This article does not even attempt to slant the story, it clearly prints a lie.)

Lawton, Jerry. "McCanns hunt for clues in morocco." Daily Star. 11 June 2007. Trek to child trade hotbed Madeleine McCann's parents arrived in the child trafficking hotbed of Morocco yesterday. It's the final leg of their desperate journey to find the missing tot. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"North Africa hope as Maddie's parents end their visits." Birmingham Mail, 11 June 2007. Armed with appeal posters written in Arabic, Kate and Gerry McCann took their search for Madeleine to north Africa today in the last of a series of visits designed to help find their daughter. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Madeleine policeman on charge." The Western Mail, 11 June 2007. A senior Portuguese police officer working on the Madeleine McCann case has been charged over an attack on the mother of another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Detective's charges stun McCann investigation." Calgary Herald, 11 June 2007. The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was in chaos Sunday night after the detective co-ordinating the hunt for her abductor was charged with criminal offences over another notorious missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Detective in missing child case faces charges." Ottawa Citizen, 11 June 2007. The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was in chaos last night after the detective co-ordinating the hunt for her abductor was charged with criminal offences over another missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Policeman in Madeleine case charged." Yorkshire Post, 11 June 2007. A senior Portuguese police officer working on the Madeleine McCann case has been charged over an attack on the mother of another missing girl, it has been revealed. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Pilditch, David. "Madeleine: Police chief quizzed over torture of mother." The Daily Express. 11 June 2007. A Senior police officer investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been charged over a violent attack on the mother of another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Maddy officer charged in another case." New Zealand Herald, 12 June 2007. The detective leading the hunt for Madeleine McCann has been charged over his conduct in another missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Brown, David. "Madeleine officer charged over earlier child case." The Australian, 12 June 2007. The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is in chaos after the detective co-ordinating the hunt for her abductor was charged with criminal offences over another notorious missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Maddie hunt cop charged." Daily Telegraph, 12 June 2007. The detective leading the hunt for missing toddler Madeleine McCann has been charged over his conduct in another missing child case. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Moroccan welcome brings ray of sunshine for McCanns." Irish Independent, 12 June 2007. Beaming for the first time in 39 days, Kate McCann was embraced by dozens of Moroccan children yesterday as she and her husband Gerry took the search for their kidnapped daughter to north Africa. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Brown, David. "Madeleine's parents take back seat after campaign moves to Morocco." The Times. 12 June 2007. Lack of progress prompts rethink. Couple 'will need time to grieve' (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Brown, David. "McCanns step back from search; Parents of missing Madeleine opt for low profile to grieve." Calgary Herald, 12 June 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann will take a lower profile in the campaign to find their daughter after admitting they were no closer to discovering who abducted her from their holiday apartment in the Algarve.(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Child hunt chaos." Northern Territory News/Sunday Territorian, 13 June 2007. Police investigator facing charges : The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is in chaos after the detective co-ordinating the hunt for her abductor was charged yesterday with criminal offences over another ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Reminder: Please note in the articles that follow: The allegations that police were framing Kate McCann were made by the common law husband of a  convicted child murderer, Leonor Cipriano, who killed  her 9 year old daughter, Joana, after Joana caught her having incestuous sex with her brother (Joana's uncle, also convicted of the murder).  Joana was killed, then chopped into pieces by the uncle, stored in a cooler and eventually placed into a car that was driven to Spain and demolished.

Mendick, Robert. "Police 'framing Maddy mother'; Detective in charge 'jailed my innocent wife for child killing'." The Evening Standard, 8 August 2007. Kate McCann is being set up Portuguese police to take the blame over Madeleine, it was claimed today. The husband of a woman serving 16 years in another missing child case in the Algarve said: 'I am worried Kate will be framed for a ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Mendick, Robert. "Maddy police 'framed my wife and are doing the same to the McCanns'." The Evening Standard, 8 August 2007. Kate McCann is being set up the Portuguese police to take the blame over Madeleine, it was claimed today. The husband of a woman serving 16 years in another missing child case in the Algarve said: 'I am worried Kate will be framed for ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Sanderson, David and Yepoka Yeebo. "The police are conducting a smear campaign against Kate McCann, says friend." The Times. 9 August 2007. Fears that Madeleine's mother is being set up. Confidentiality means parents can't speak out. A close friend of Madeleine McCann's parents said yesterday that a "hurtful and ludicrous" smear campaign was being conducted against the ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Lawton, Jerry. "Fear for Kate." Daily Star. 9 August 2007. Madeleine McCann's mum is being set up Portuguese police to take the rap for her daughter's disappearance, it was claimed last night. The husband of a woman serving 16 years in a Portuguese jail in a similar missing child case said he ...(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Moult, Julie. "Cops 'smearing Maddie parents'." The Sun. 9 August 2007. Friend hits out at wild reports on missing tot ONE of Gerry and Kate McCann's holiday friends yesterday said Portuguese police may have leaked "untruths" over the kidnap of the pair's missing four-year-old Madeleine.(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Pilditch, David. "Madeleine." The Daily Express. 9 August 2007. Police intercept parents' phone calls and spy on their emails The parents of Madeleine McCann have been bugged by police investigating the disappearance of their four-year-old daughter, it was sensationally claimed last night.(Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"McCann case highlights danger of media hype." Canberra Times, 10 August 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann are reported as having found recent speculation in the press about their daughter, and the possibility that she is dead, to have been hurtful. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Fricker, Martin. "Blundering police chief under the microscope." Mirror, 10 August 2007. THIS is the bungling police chief leading the shambolic hunt for missing Madeleine McCann. Guilhermino Encarnacao, 59, dubbed Inspector Clueless, has presided over an astonishing list of blunders during the 13 week-long investigation. (Re: Leonor Cipriano) Note:  This article describes Guilhermino Encarnacao as: bungling, Inspector Clueless, a "desk strategist", experience of abduction cases was limited, reputation for having long lunches with other detectives in charge, McCanns friends were "less than impressed" by him, he was EMBROILED in controversy over the Cipriano case and he refused to speak in English even though the majority of the media present were from the UK. The investigation was described as: a shambolic hunt, astonishing list of blunders.

Edwards, Richard. "Madeleine police say she may have died accident." The Daily Telegraph. 23 August 2007. Detectives leading the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are focusing on the theory that she suffered an accidental death in the apartment on the night she disappeared.

Edwards, Richard. "'Maddie died in apartment on night she disappeared'." Evening Herald. 23 August 2007. Accidental death: abduction is no longer the main lead and accidental death is the strongest theory that the authorities are now working on in the missing girl's case 

Fricker, Martin. "Cops: we have the evidence." Mirror. 23 August 2007. The three senior detectives leading the Madeleine McCann investigation insist they have evidence to show she died in her parents' flat. Guilhermino Encarnacao, Goncalo Amaral and Luis Neves made their claim at a meeting with Portuguese ...

Fricker, Martin. "Madeleine cops: 'She died accident in the flat'." Mirror. 23 August 2007. Senior detectives have told prosecutors they believe Madeleine McCann was killed accidentally in her holiday flat.

Evans, Martin. "Was she killed accident?." The Daily Express. 23 August 2007. Police probe new lead on Madeleine. Detectives investigating Madeleine McCann's disappearance are working on the theory she was killed accidentally on the night she went missing.

Note: In the articles that follow the naming of Kate as a suspect in September 2007, Leonor's common law husband Leandro Silva was interviewed.  The timing of this is noteworthy and it is unlikely that Silva sought the media out.  I'd add also that he is amazing articulate, given what is known about this background.

Walsh, Tim. "Madeleine detective faces charges over attack on suspect." Press Association. 7 September 2007. Kate McCann's naming as a suspect in her daughter Madeleine's disappearance comes after the detective leading the investigation was charged over an alleged attack on the mother of another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano) 

"Beyond belief; Sun says." The Sun. 8 September 2007. The Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been shambolic. Failure to secure evidence, forgetting to close borders and keeping secret vital information that could have helped track down the missing...

Harvey, Oliver. "I fear for Kate...these cops framed my wife for murdering her child; Interview; Leandro Silva." The Sun. 8 September 2007. Husband's warning after case with chilling parallel to Maddie The husband of a Portuguese woman jailed for the murder of her child spoke last night of his fears for Kate McCann. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Leading detective charged." The Scotsman, 8 September 2007. 194 Kate McCann's naming as a suspect in her daughter Madeleine's disappearance came as the detective leading the investigation was charged over an alleged attack on the mother of another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Detective in charge faces claims of assaulting female suspect." Yorkshire Post, 8 September 2007. Kate McCann's naming as a suspect in her daughter Madeleine's disappearance comes after the detective leading the investigation was charged over an alleged attack on the mother of another missing girl.

"McCann detective charged." Evening Express, 8 September 2007. The detective leading the McCann investigation was charged over an alleged attack on the mother of another missing girl. Goncalo Amaral is one of five men accused of "scenes of aggression" against Leonor Cipriano. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Johnson, Andrew. "Portuguese police framed my wife." Independent On Sunday, 9 September 2007. The husband of a woman jailed in Portugal for killing her child in a case with uncanny similarities to that of Madeleine McCann has spoken of his fear that Madeleine"s parents may be framed for their daughter"s ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Johnson, Andrew. "'Portuguese police framed my wife'." Belfast Telegraph, 10 September 2007. Leonor Cipriano, 36, is serving a 16-year jail sentence following the disappearance of her daughter, Joana, nine, in September 2004, just seven... (Refers to Leandro Silva / Leonor Cipriano)

Rajanin, Amol. "Controversial past of policeman leading the McCann investigation." The Independent. 11 September 2007. As the Portuguese press continued to round on the McCanns yesterday, newspaper columns remained pointedly silent on a separate investigation into the police officer leading the hunt for ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Senior Maddie cop in witness abuse probe." Evening Herald, 11 September 2007. As the Portuguese press continued to round on the McCanns, newspaper columns remained silent on a separate investigation into the police officer leading the hunt for Madeleine. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Rajan, Amol. "Controversial past of policeman leading the McCann investigation." Belfast Telegraph, 11 September 2007. Despite the recent furore surrounding Kate and Gerry McCann being made suspects in their daughter's disappearance, Goncalo Amaral – head of the... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Marsden, Sam, and Tim Walsh, Press Association, 14 September 2007. Portuguese police appeared to take a step back from charging Madeleine McCann's parents today after a senior officer said they had 'nothing concrete'' to implicate them in her ...

Marsden, Sam and Vicky Shaw. "Mixed messages on missing Madeleine." Press Association. 14 September 2007. Mixed messages are coming from the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance, eight days after her parents were named as suspects.

Brown, David, Steve Bird and Patrick Foster. "Portuguese police to extend their inquiry to Leicester." The Times. 15 September 2007. Detectives investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are preparing to travel to Britain to carry out further inquiries, amid concerns that her parents are under an intolerable strain.

"Nothing concrete to implicate McCanns, senior officer reveals." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 15 September 2007. Portuguese police appeared to take a step back from charging Madeleine McCann's parents yesterday after a senior officer said they had "nothing concrete" to implicate them in her disappearance.

Lamb, Christina. "Police leaks, gossip and a clash of cultures engulf the McCanns." The Sunday Times, 16 September 2007. Portuguese hostility towards the McCanns grows with every twist... The two men in dark suits coming out of the Portimao restaurant adjusted their ties and jackets after what had clearly been a ...

Rose, David. "Maddie police torture trial." The Mail on Sunday, 16 September 2007. The senior Portuguese detective jointly in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is set to face a criminal hearing into an alleged cover-up involving another missing girl.

Rose, David. "Lies, beatings, secret trials: the dark side of Portugal's Life on Mars police." The Mail on Sunday, 16 September 2007. According to his friends, Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral of the Portuguese Policia Judiciaria, co-leader of the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann from the Mark Warner Ocean Club in Praia da Luz, is a dedicated and ...

"A week on the roller coaster." Sunday Tribune, 16 September 2007. SUNDAY The McCanns arrive back in England, and Gerry says he and Kate are "entirely innocent". "In terms of what Kate knows about me, I was away from her for just 10 minutes," he says.

Rose, David and Charles Miranda. "Maddie detective accused of child-kill confession cover-up. Cop torture claim." Herald-Sun, 17 September 2007. The top cop in the Madeleine McCann case has been accused of covering up evidence that police tortured the mother of another missing girl into confessing to murder. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Rose, David. "Senior police under suspicion - Maddie cops face torture investigation." Daily Telegraph, 17 September 2007. The senior detective jointly in charge of the investigation into the Madeleine McCann disappearance is to face a criminal hearing into an alleged cover-up involving another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Portuguese police in turmoil." Daily Mail. 17 September 2007. The official police spokesman in the Madeleine case has quit over the way the McCanns were treated, it emerged last night. Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa resigned in disgust at the way fellow officers were briefing 'friendly' Portuguese ...

"Senior police under suspicion - Maddie cops face torture investigation." Daily Telegraph, 17 September 2007. The senior detective jointly in charge of the investigation into the Madeleine McCann disappearance is to face a criminal hearing into an alleged cover-up involving another missing girl. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Parsons,Tony. "End this witch hunt and find Madeleine." Mirror. 17 September 2007. The real crime and the real tragedy is that nobody is looking for Madeleine McCann anymore. That little girl is out there somewhere, either dead or alive, but all of the energy of those Keystone cretins, the Portuguese police, are being ...

Townsend, Mark. "Maddie case police: we blundered." The Press (Christchurch), 17 September 2007. The McCann family releases new pictures and announces a fresh campaign as police admit that confusion and infighting wrecked the early days of the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

Narrandes, Nidha. "More controversy as Maddie case official walks out." The Star, 17 September 2007. The official police spokesperson in the Madeleine case has quit over the way the McCanns were treated, it emerged last night. Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa resigned in disgust at the way fellow officers were briefing “friendly” ...

Gammell, Caroline. "Detective accused in case of missing girl." The Daily Telegraph. 17 September 2007. The disappearance of Madeleine McCann is not the first high-profile case of a missing girl that the Portuguese police have had to investigate - and not the first time they have been criticised over their handling of the situation. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Evans, Martin and David Pilditch. "Let me speak out, demands judge." The Daily Express. 17 September 2007. He may be set to press charges on Madeleine The judge examining evidence against Kate and Gerry McCann has asked for consent to speak out. Judge Pedro Daniel Dos Anjos Frias has applied to override Portugal's strict secrecy laws and discuss ...

Hunt, Liz. "At least DCI Hunt had sound instincts." The Daily Telegraph. 19 September 2007. If I were DCI Gene Hunt, I'd sue. The beyond-parody inquiry by Portuguese police into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is likened to an episode of Life on Mars, the acclaimed cops and robbers TV drama of which Hunt is the star-turn.
Under the circumstances, I do not find it surprising that Gerry McCann has taken to briefing the British press himself, something for which he has been criticised. What other opportunity does he have of counteracting the tidal wave of accusations still flooding out of the Portuguese media courtesy of the sieve-like PPJ? Yes, it means that hurtful, distasteful and often quite incredible theories are reiterated in print and on air here in Britain. But it also ensures that the flaws and errors inherent in them can be exposed and addressed, too. Apparently, Portuguese law takes "prejudicial'' reporting very seriously. You'd never have guessed it, would you?
"Portuguese police also under the spotlight." The Daily Express. 21 September 2007. I was shocked and dismayed to read that one of the leading Portuguese detectives on the McCann's case, Goncalo Amaral, along with four other detectives has been reportedly charged with serious offences in connection with a strikingly ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Fricker, Martin and Ryan Parry. "McCanns tell police: Charge us or clear us." Mirror. 22 September 2007. Kate and Gerry McCann last night made a desperate plea to Portuguese police - charge us or clear us. They are furious the search for four-year-old Madeleine is on hold while they remain suspects.

Thornton, Lucy and Ryan Parry. "My daughter's girl vanished just like Maddy. The police beat her until she falsely confessed." Mirror. 22 September 2007. Jailed Leonor Cipriano was facing her mother in a prison waiting room... when she began weeping for Kate and Gerry McCann. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Wickham, James. "'Police beat me up'." Daily Star. 22 September 2007. Russian computer expert Sergei Malinka last night alleged that police investigating Madeleine's disappearance beat him up. He was questioned because of his links to British ex-pat Robert Murat, 33, who was named as an official suspect ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Follain, John. "Madeleine police tortured me, says mother behind bars." The Sunday Times, 23 September 2007. The senior detective leading the Madeleine McCann investigation is facing calls to step down after a woman jailed for the murder of her daughter claimed that his officers tortured her into confessing. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

"Madeleine inspector under fire." Ottawa Citizen, 23 September 2007. The senior detective leading the Madeleine McCann investigation is facing calls to step down after a woman jailed for the murder of her daughter claimed that his officers tortured her into confessing.  (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Follain, John. "Maddy investigator faces criminal hearing over torture claims." The Australian, 24 September 2007. The senior detective leading the investigation into missing British girl Madeleine McCann is facing calls to step down after a woman jailed for the murder of her daughter claimed that his officers tortured her into confessing. (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Randhawa, Kiran. "Detective has only been on two child murder cases." The Evening Standard, 24 September 2007. The detective leading the Madeleine McCann inquiry has investigated only two child murders in his 26-year police career in Portugal. Goncalo Amaral, head of the regional Policia Judiciaria, has already faced criticism for his handling of ... (Re: Leonor Cipriano)

Evans, Martin and David Pilditch. "Ex-SAS men join the hunt." The Daily Express. 24 September 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann have hired a security firm which employs ex-SAS men to find their daughter. They have taken this dramatic step because police are no longer hunting an abductor.

Hodgson, Grant. "He has 3-hour boozy lunches, works only four hours a day and has openly accused Kate & Gerry of killing their daughter.. this is the cop leading the hunt for Madeleine.. It's just sickening." The Sunday Mirror. 30 September 2007.Exclusive the search for Madeleine day 150. Puffing on a cigarette and knocking back beers, the man leading the world's biggest missing child inquiry enjoys yet another long, boozy lunch.

"McCanns to answer 4O 'key' questions." Daily Post. 1 October 2007. The parents of missing Madeleine McCann were last night waiting for police to ask them 40 "key" questions about the disappearance of their daughter. (Note: the 40 questions grew to be 48 questions and Kate McCann refused to answer any of them.)

Bonnici, Tony and David Pilditch. "Madeleine: she is in Morocco" The Daily Express. 1 October 2007. I saw her, says reliable new witness . . . but police say she fell down steps (Note: the "reliable new witness" led to the media hounding an innocent Moroccan family whose daughter the "reliable witness" had photographed.  Controversy over this false lead remains to date - 2010.)

Hatton, Barry. "Portuguese official removed after chiding UK police over Madeleine McCann investigation." Associated Press Newswires, 2 October 2007. A Portuguese detective investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was removed from the investigation Tuesday after scolding British police, saying they were being misled by the girl's parents...

"Portuguese police accuse Madeleine's parents of hindering inquiry." Agence France Presse, 2 October 2007. A senior Portuguese detective has accused the parents of missing British girl Madeleine McCann of misleading British police investigating the case, a report said Tuesday.

Greenwood, Chris. Press Association. 2 October 2007. The Portuguese detective in charge of the Madeleine McCann inquiry today accused her parents of manipulating British police.

"The Portuguese detective in charge of the inquiry into missing Rothley girl..." Press Association. 2 October 2007. The Portuguese detective in charge of the inquiry into missing Rothley girl Madeleine McCann has accused her parents of manipulating British police.

"Chief investigator in missing Madeleine case dismissed." Agence France Presse. 2 October 2007. The detective leading the inquiry into the disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann in Portugal was dismissed Tuesday over his criticism of the British police, media reports said.
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There's no evidence Maddie is dead.. We will keep looking

14 January 2010
Scottish Daily Record
Janice Burns


GERRY McCann yesterday angrily accused a Portuguese ex-cop of endangering the hunt for his missing daughter Madeleine.

The Scots doctor twice addressed reporters directly outside Lisbon's main civil court - after sitting through two days of accusations that he and wife Kate faked Madeleine's abduction in 2007.

Meanwhile, the former detective whose book and TV documentary led to the trial provoked outrage by telling a British TV crew at the court: " F   the McCanns ."

Goncalo Amaral, who was thrown off the McCann case only months into the hunt, made the foul-mouthed outburst when asked:"Is your book hurting the McCanns?"

He then appeared to laugh as he walked away.

A McCann family friend said:"It's disgraceful and gives a true measure of the man."

In the trial, Amaral is attempting to overturn an injunction banning further publication of his book and stopping him repeating his claims about the McCanns.

Glasgow-born heart consultant Gerry and his GP wife Kate are suing him for more than £1million for defamation but no date has yet been set for that case.

Yesterday, a visibly frustrated Gerry, 41, said the main motive for challenging Amaral is their fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead.

He insisted there was no evidence to support Amaral's claims that Madeleine died in her family's Algarve holiday flat on the night she vanished, just before her fourth birthday.

"Over the last two days, we've heard a lot about Mr Amaral's thesis that Madeleine is dead," he said.

"And I also hope you've heard that there is absolutely no evidence to support that thesis.

"A thesis without evidence is meaningless. It's evidence we're interested in. There is no evidence that Madeleine is dead, that's what you heard yesterday."

Gerry was asked by a reporter whether it was worth the emotional cost for the couple to attend the court.

He replied: "Do you have children? Anyone who has children would go through the same process."

He added: "We're looking for new information to help the search."

A former senior detective called as a witness by Amaral yesterday dismissed the theory that Madeleine was abducted.

Francisco Moita Flores, a criminologist and a writer, told the court it would be impossible to pass a child through the window of the McCanns' holiday flat.


He also defended the way that the Portuguese police investigated the case, praised Amaral as a "good professional" and said his book did not prejudice the inquiry.

Isabel Duarte, the McCanns' lawyer, argued that the police files reached no conclusion about the window and said there were other ways Madeleine could have been taken from the apartment.

The case will continue today and the judge, Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues, could order further hearings.

The McCanns say any damages awarded to them would go towards funding the hunt for Madeleine.

Gerry was last night returning to his home in Rothley,Leicestershire, because of work commitments.

Fiona Payne, one of the friends who was on holiday with the McCanns when Madeleine disappeared on May 3 2007, is flying out to support Kate.
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Madeleine claims 'difficult to listen to' says Kate McCann

14 January 2010
The Irish Examiner

Kate McCann admitted today that listening to claims that she faked her daughter Madeleine's abduction was difficult - but said nothing could be as bad as losing her child.

She and her husband Gerry have sat through two days of court hearings in which former Portuguese detective Goncalo Amaral has called witnesses to support his allegation that the little girl died in her family's holiday flat.

Mrs McCann insisted that the couple were right to take legal action against Mr Amaral and said she was confident they would win.

Speaking as she arrived for a third day of hearings at the main civil court in Lisbon, she acknowledged that this week had taken its toll.

"If I'm honest, our daughter's been taken and nothing's ever going to be as bad as that," she said.

"It's still been difficult, it's been emotive, because I know what's in the case files, I know what the conclusions are.

"So it's difficult to hear something that's incorrect and inaccurate.

"At the bottom of all this is a little girl, and I think it's important that we don't forget that."

Mr McCann flew back to Britain last night to return to work and his wife was accompanied to court today by Fiona Payne, one of the friends on holiday with the couple when Madeleine disappeared.

Mr Amaral was the first head of the Portuguese police investigation into Madeleine's disappearance from Praia da Luz in the Algarve on May 3, 2007.

He has called a series of top Portuguese law enforcement officials as witnesses in his attempt to overturn the McCanns' injunction on his book about the case, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie.

Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida told the court on Tuesday he believed that Madeleine died in her family's holiday apartment and her parents covered up the death by inventing a kidnapping.

Former detective Francisco Moita Flores also dismissed the theory that the child was abducted and said the McCanns' legal challenge was "pathetic" when he gave evidence yesterday.

Mrs McCann was asked today whether she now felt it was a misjudgment to bring legal action against Mr Amaral.

She replied: "This is definitely the right course of action. I truly believe we are doing this to help the search for Madeleine.

"I believe in the Portuguese judicial system and that we will get justice, and that we can take the search for Madeleine forward."

Asked if she believed the McCanns would win their case against Mr Amaral, she said: "I am confident, yes."

Mr Amaral's lawyer, Antonio Cabrita, has denied that the former policeman said " f    the McCanns " in response to a question from a BBC reporter about whether his book was hurting the couple.

Regional news programme East Midlands Today broadcast the exchange with the allegedly offending word bleeped out.

A BBC spokesman said: "The reply was clearly ' f    the McCanns '.

"The entire exchange was recorded on camera, and the swear word was bleeped out for transmission as it was clearly unacceptable to broadcast such language at 6.30pm."

But Mr Cabrita said his client had not said anything in English and Portuguese journalists suggested that he said "I'm not talking about the McCanns" in Portuguese.

A judge granted the McCanns an injunction last September banning further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case.

The ex-policeman's lawyers argue that the material in his book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.

The McCanns, both 41, from Rothley, Leicestershire, say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for their daughter if they think she is dead.

The court is hearing evidence about Mr Amaral's documentary from TV producers today.

The case will then be adjourned until a further session on February 10, when the judge, Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues, will hear from two witnesses who were not available this week.

The McCanns are also seeking €1.2m in compensation for defamation in separate proceedings against Mr Amaral in Portugal.

They have said any damages awarded by the courts would go towards paying for private investigators to look for Madeleine.

No date has been set for a trial in the compensation case.
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Maddie cop rant


News; Front Page
Maddie cop rant
14 January 2010
The Sun
Tom Wells

THE cop who led the Maddie McCann probe yesterday launched a tirade against her parents.

Goncalo Amaral spat "*F*** the McCanns*" when asked if he felt his wild claims were hurting them.

Full Story — Page 11



Vile cop: f *** the McCanns ; New attack on parents
The Sun
Tom Wells and Antonella Lazzeri

The ex-cop who led the Madeleine McCann probe sparked new outrage last night after launching a four-letter tirade against the missing child's parents. Brazen Goncalo Amaral spat, " F    the McCanns " when asked by a BBC TV reporter if he felt his wild claims about their daughter were hurting them. Producers bleeped out the slur when a report was broadcast in the East Midlands region where Kate and Gerry McCann live.

Amaral, axed after leading the abortive early investigation into Maddie's disappearance in 2007, flipped before entering a court in Portugal's capital, Lisbon.


Yesterday he denied making the outburst, claiming he had not even spoken to a British TV crew.

But the BBC insisted he had used "inappropriate language".

And a source said: "It would not have been bleeped out had there not been sufficient cause for concern."

Amaral, 50, is trying to have a ban overturned on his book The Truth of the Lie. In it, he makes lurid claims that Kate and Gerry faked an abduction and hid Maddie's body after the three-year-old died in an accident at their holiday flat in Praia da Luz.

Yesterday he appeared to deliberately provoke the McCanns before the second day of the hearing began.

He sauntered into court brandishing a copy of his SECOND book on the case, The English Gag, in which he claims the parents tried to "silence" him. He sat yards from Kate, 41, and began leafing through its pages. Upset Kate shook her head in disbelief.

But then she steeled herself and told a friend: "He's just promoting it."

She and Gerry, also 41, were forced to endure more insulting evidence as former Portuguese police chief Francisco Moita Flores backed Amaral's view and branded the abduction a "fairytale".

Outside court heart specialist Gerry, who is heading back to Britain to fulfil work commitments, cracked when asked by a female Portuguese reporter if the ordeal of the hearing was "worth it".

He barked: "Do you have children? Anyone who has children would go through this."

He added: "I'd like to remind everyone it's the book that's on trial and not Kate and I." Gerry claimed the Portuguese cops' blinkered view that Maddie was dead — for which there was NO evidence, making it "meaningless" — was damaging the search for her.

And he said they were STILL ignoring leads passed on to them by the family's private investigators.
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The British Media versus Amaral - OCTOBER 2007

October 2007 Headlines re: Goncalo Amaral

"Chief investigator in missing Madeleine case dismissed." Agence France Presse. 2 Oct. 2007.

"Portugal removes detective leading Madeleine case." Reuters News. 2 Oct. 2007.

"Head of Madeleine police investigation sacked." Agence France Presse. 2 Oct. 2007.

Clarke, Josie. Portuguese detective 'removed from Madeleine case'." Press Association. 2 Oct. 2007.

"Portuguese official chides British police for being misled by parents." The Canadian Press. 2 Oct. 2007.

"Portugal: Officer off missing girl case. The New York Times." 3 Oct. 2007.

"Boozy lunches and unchecked leads." The Daily Express, 3 Oct. 2007.

Pilditch, David and Martin Evans "Madeleine detective kicked off case after blasting British police." The Daily Express, 3 Oct. 2007.

Allen, Vanessa "Off the case; Madeleine police chief demoted after amazing rant against McCanns and British detectives" Daily Mail, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Detective leading hunt for Madeleine sacked after blast at UK police: Inspector says McCanns swayed British officers Family lawyer attacks 'absurd' comments" The Guardian, 3 Oct. 2007.

Hamilos, Paul and Brendan de Beer "Madeleine case officer demoted." Irish Times, 3 Oct. 2007.

Parry, Ryan. "Off the case." Mirror. 3 Oct. 2007. Boozy cop is demoted after furious outburst against the McCanns The bungling Portuguese police chief running the Madeleine McCann probe was last night kicked off the case by furious bosses.

"Detective who criticised McCanns taken off case." Birmingham Post, 3 Oct. 2007.

Parry, Ryan. "Madeleine cop axed." Scottish Daily Record, 3 Oct. 2007. Boss pays price for rant at parents. The workshy Portuguese cop running the hunt for Madeleine McCann was kicked off the case yesterday - hours after he launched a ranting attack on the tot's parents and British police.

Parry, Ryan. "Madeleine cop kicked off case." Mirror. 3 Oct. 2007. Bosses fury at McCann rant The bungling Portuguese police chief running the Madeleine McCann probe was last night kicked off the case by furious bosses.

Parry, Ryan. "McCanned." Mirror. 3 Oct. 2007. Boozy cop is demoted after furious outburst against Kate & Gerry BOOZY chief inspector Goncalo Amaral was last night off the Madeleine McCann case after an astonishing attack on Kate and Gerry.

"Portuguese detective removed from Madeleine case." Daily Post. 3 Oct. 2007.

"Maddie case officer removed." Daily Post (North Wales), 3 Oct. 2007.

"Portuguese officer taken off Madeleine case." The Irish Examiner. 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family’s spokesman said today.

Simpson, Aislinn. "Madeleine inquiry chief sacked after attack on British police." The Daily Telegraph. 3 Oct. 2007. The Portuguese detective leading the Madeleine McCann investigation was sacked from the inquiry last night after launching an astonishing public attack on his British counterparts.

Brown, David Brown and Patrick Foster. "Madeleine detective sacked after outburst." The Times, 3 Oct. 2007. He accused British police of a cover-up. Alarmed Portuguese take immediate action.

Panja, Tariq. "Family: New chief in Madeleine case should refocus efforts to find her." Associated Press. 3 Oct. 2007. The new chief investigator in the case of missing British girl Madeleine McCann should refocus the investigation on finding her, a spokesman for her parents said Wednesday.

Randhawa, Kiran. "Fears for maddy search after police chief is axed." The Evening Standard, 3 Oct. 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann fear the search for their daughter could come to a halt following the sacking of the Portuguese detective in charge of the investigation.

"The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of..." Press Association, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Rothley girl Madeleine McCann should 'refocus'' the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said.

Herbert, Ian. "Detective leading Madeleine hunt dropped from case after outburst." The Independent, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Axed detective was controversial figure in Madeleine inquiry." Press Association. 3 Oct. 2007.

Lawton, Jerry. "Inspector Clueless gets boot." Daily Star. 3 Oct. 2007. A BOOZY Portuguese police chief heading the Madeleine McCann inquiry has been sacked from the case after accusing Brit detectives of shielding her parents.

"Rogue Maddie cop enjoyed 3-hour-long boozy lunches." Evening Herald. 3 Oct. 2007. The sacked Portuguese detective who had been leading the Madeleine McCann case had gained a reputation for his long, liquid lunches while the world waits for a breakthrough in the case.

"McCanns want focus put back on finding daughter.." Evening Herald. 3 Oct. 2007. Kate and Gerry McCann today called for the new head of the Portuguese police investigation to "refocus'' the inquiry on finding Madeleine.

"Maddie investigator sacked." SBS World News. 3 Oct. 2007.

Hartley, Clodagh. "Maddie cop sacked; Police chief a 'liability'." The Sun, 3 Oct. 2007. Portuguese bungler axed after attack on McCanns The bungling Portuguese cop running the Madeleine McCann probe was sensationally axed last night.

Hartley, Clodagh and Nick Parker. "Mad rant that got Maddie cop sacked." The Sun, 3 Oct. 2007.  Amaral claims Brit detectives duped by family The top cop removed from the Madeleine probe yesterday had accused British police of being duped by the McCanns.

"Detective removed from Madeleine case." The Irish News, 3 Oct. 2007. The Portuguese detective in charge of the Madeleine McCann inquiry was removed from the case yesterday after accusing her parents of manipulating British police, it was reported last night.

"Madeleine detective taken off." The Western Mail, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Maddie probe hits impasse after detective's sacking." Agence France Presse, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Maddie detective sacked - Costly outburst." Sydney MX, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Family's plea in Maddie hunt twist." Liverpool Echo, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuquese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.

"Call to 'refocus' on search for Maddie." Birmingham Mail, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.

"Maddie hunt plea." Birmingham Mail, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.

Hamilos, Paul and Brendan de Beer. "Detective leading hunt for Madeleine sacked after blast at UK police: Inspector says McCanns swayed British officers ..." The Guardian, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Missing-toddler investigator fired." Ottawa Citizen, 3 Oct. 2007. The detective leading the investigation into the disappearance of the British toddler Madeleine McCann was sacked yesterday, soon after he criticized British police officers working on the case.

"Madeleine case detective sacked." Calgary Herald, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Police chief removed from missing Madeleine inquiry." Yorkshire Post, 3 Oct. 2007. The Portuguese detective in charge of the Madeleine McCann inquiry was removed from the case after accusing her parents of manipulating British police, it was reported.

"Madeleine McCann chief detective sacked." The Press Trust of India Limited, 3 Oct. 2007. The Portuguese detective, heading the Madeleine McCann probe, has been sacked for launching a public attack on his British counterparts and the missing toddler's parents.

"'Focus on finding our Madeleine'." Evening Express, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police probe into Madeleine McCann's disappearance should "refocus" on finding her, the family's spokesman said today.

"Top Portuguese detective 'axed' from case." Aberdeen Press & Journal, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Detective is 'removed from Madeleine case'." Western Morning News, 3 Oct. 2007. The Portuguese detective in charge of the Madeleine McCann inquiry was removed from the case yesterday after accusing her parents of manipulating British police, it was reported last night.

"Madeleine detective is taken off the case." Leicester Mercury, 3 Oct. 2007.

"'Refocus on Madeleine'." Nottingham Evening Post, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.

"Find Maddie, family plead." Evening Gazette, 3 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.

"Lead detective taken off Madeleine case." The Journal, 3 Oct. 2007.

"Portugal: officer off missing girl case." The New York Times,  3 Oct. 2007. Portuguese Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral, who is overseeing investigation into disappearance of Madeleine McCann, is removed from case after chiding British police; says they are being misled by girl's parents Kate and Gerry McCann...

Pilditch, David and Martin Evans. "Kate and Gerry: We'll fly back to Portugal." The Daily Express, 4 Oct. 2007. Madeleine McCann's parents are happy to fly to Portugal to meet whoever replaces sacked Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral in the investigation into their daughter's disappearance.

Pilditch, David and Martin Evans. "Madeleine: Nobody in charge for a week." The Daily Express, 4 Oct. 2007. The hunt for Madeleine McCann has been thrown into chaos following the sacking of Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral.

Pilditch, David and Martin Evans. "Kate and Gerry: We'll fly back to Portugal." The Daily Express, 4 Oct. 2007. The McCanns would be happy to fly to Portugal to meet the successor of sacked chief inspector Goncalo Amaral, it emerged last night.

Brown, David and Patrick Foster. "Madeleine cop sacked." The Australian, 4 Oct. 2007.The Portuguese detective leading the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was sacked on Tuesday after he accused British police of helping her parents hide their role in their daughter's death.

Miranda, Charles. "Detective sacked from Maddie case." The Advertiser, 4 Oct. 2007.

"Madeleine cop sacked." The Australian, 4 Oct. 2007.

Miranda, Charles. "Portugal fires cop over UK outburst." Daily Telegraph. 4 Oct. 2007.

Allen, Vanessa. "Now focus on finding maddie, her parents tell police." Daily Mail, 4 Oct. 2007. The search for Madeleine McCann will be leaderless until at least next week.

"Off the case. Officer sacked." Townsville Bulletin, 4 Oct. 2007.

Miranda, Charles. "Madeleine detective sacked after outburst." Hobart Mercury, 4 Oct. 2007.

Parry, Ryan. "New cop in charge ..new hope for us." Mirror. 4 Oct. 2007. McCanns pray for fresh start after chief ousted Kate and Gerry McCann hope that bringing in a new police chief will give the hunt for Madeleine a new impetus.

"Focus efforts on finding Maddy, say McCanns." Birmingham Post, 4 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said yesterday.

Tariq Panja . "Lay off parents and find Maddie." Scottish Daily Record, 4 Oct. 2007. Family plea after top cop axed Madeleine McCann's parents want the officer who takes over the case to refocus the investigation on finding her.

"Maddie parents' cop plea." Scottish Daily Record, 4 Oct. 2007. The parents of missing Madeleine McCann want the officer who takes over the case to refocus the investigation on finding her. Kate and Gerry McCann were said to be prepared to return to Portugal to see the new man.

Simpson, Aislinn. "Madeleine case in disarray after sacking." The Daily Telegraph. 4 Oct. 2007.

"Get Sarah cop to find Maddie." Daily Star. 4 Oct. 2007. Lawton, Jerry. 'Ace British detective will crack the case' A British "super cop" was last night set to be brought in to crack the Madeleine McCann case.

"Madeleine cop gets the boot." The Daily Post (New Zealand), 4 Oct. 2007.

"McCanns fear Maddie search is hit by police row." Evening Herald. 4 Oct. 2007. The parents of missing Madeleine McCann are concerned that the search for their little girl has come to a halt as Portuguese officials struggle to find a new chief of police.

"Senior Madeleine policeman 'asks for time off'." The Irish Examiner. 4 Oct. 2007.

Hartley, Clodagh . "Maddie cops in chaos." The Sun, 4 Oct. 2007. The clueless Portuguese cops searching for Madeleine McCann face a WEEK without anyone in charge after the chief bungler was sacked, it was revealed yesterday.

Hendry, Sharon. "Good riddance." The Sun, 4 Oct. 2007. He was boozy, incompetent and convinced the McCanns killed Maddie...so we say to sacked police chief Amaral: HE'S the crumpled copper who looks like a seedy character from a bad detective movie.

"Senior Madeleine policeman 'asks for time off'." Press Association National Newswire, 4 Oct. 2007. Tim Walsh, A senior police officer in the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has asked for an extended leave of absence, it was reported today.

"Fresh setback in Madeleine investigation." Guardian Unlimited, 4 Oct. 2007. The Madeleine McCann investigation faced a fresh setback today after reports that the second in command on the case, chief inspector Tavares Almeida, had requested an extended leave of absence.

Walsh, Tim. "Press Association National Newswire, 4 Oct. 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann said today they had been inundated with messages of support which had helped to keep them strong 'during the worst times''.

"Focus on finding Madeleine plea." Aberdeen Press & Journal, 4 Oct. 2007. The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should "refocus" the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said yesterday.

"Your help carried us through the worst times." Leicester Mercury, 4 Oct. 2007.

"Mccanns: Your support kept us going." Leicester Mercury, 4 Oct. 2007. The parents of Madeleine McCann have said a heartfelt thank you to the people of Leicestershire, saying: "Your support kept us going during the worst of times."

Barrow, Andrew. "Now try to find our child, say McCanns." The Journal, 4 Oct. 2007. Spokesman calls for end to newspaper allegations.

Foster, Patrick. "Madeleine inquiry stalls over new chief." The Times, 4 Oct. 2007.

"I cry every day says Kate." The Daily Express, 5 Oct. 2007. Martin Stote For the first time she reveals her torment

"UK police backed move on parents." The Daily Express, 5 Oct. 2007. British police supported the decision to make Kate and Gerry McCann suspects in their daughter's disappearance, it was claimed last night.

Evans, Martin. "Chaos as police chief No 2 quits the McCann inquiry." The Daily Express, 5 Oct. 2007. The case against Kate and Gerry McCann went into meltdown last night after another top detective quit the investigation. Chief Inspector Tavares Almeida, who was second in command, told his superiors he no longer wanted to work on the case.

"Maddie search leader delay." Daily Telegraph. 5 Oct. 2007. The search for Madeleine McCann will be leaderless until at least next week as sacked detective Goncalo Amaral was unlikely to be replaced before Monday.

Hamilos, Paul. "Sacked Madeleine detective's deputy seeks leave." The Guardian, 5 Oct. 2007.

Allen, Vanessa and David Wilkes. "Some days I just can't stop the tears, says Maddie's mother." Daily Mail, 5 Oct. 2007. Kate McCann has cried every day of the five months since she lost her daughter Madeleine.

"A grieving mum sobs every day - McCanns speak out." Daily Telegraph. 5 Oct. 2007. Kate McCann revealed last night how she weeps every day for her missing daughter Madeleine.

"Second top Madeleine officer may leave case." The Irish Examiner. 5 Oct. 2007. The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has suffered another set back, with a second senior Portuguese detective looking to leave the inquiry.

Chaytor, Rod. "Kate McCann speaks as never before.. Every day felt like a week." Mirror. 5 Oct. 2007. An emotional Kate McCann yesterday gave the most revealing insight so far into the nightmare she and husband Gerry have endured.
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